Articles On Clarity Enhanced Diamonds

Why You Should Buy Clarity-Enhanced Diamonds?

How do you envision the perfect diamond? If you’re like many people, you probably believe that a perfect diamond is completely flawless. Well, in reality, even high-quality diamonds often have imperfections. Yet, thanks to technological innovations, it’s possible to obtain perfection through clarity-enhanced diamonds. What are clarity-enhanced diamonds? Clarity-enhanced diamonds are diamonds that have been physically altered to achieve a better appearance. These alterations can be done through a laser beam or through fracture filling, where a chemical is placed into the diamond’s cracks. Of these procedures, laser is usually the most preferred because it tends to offer more precise results. Also, it doesn’t erode… something that is not the case with fracture filling.

Now, as far as price, clarity-enhanced diamonds are a little bit more expensive than their non-enhanced counterparts. However, when you see how much better the diamond looks, you’ll know that it is well worth the price. Besides, it’s not like clarity-enhanced diamonds are going to be thousands more. In some cases, they may not even be a few hundred more, especially if the diamond was inexpensive to begin with.

So, if clarity-enhanced diamonds are so beautiful, why aren’t they promoted more in the jewelry industry? Well, oddly enough, there are some people who are actually against clarity-enhanced diamonds. They feel that diamonds are already perfect in their natural state… even if they contain glaring flaws.

Yet, keep in mind that jewelers make a great deal of profit promoting the naturally perfect diamond. Basically, since such diamonds are harder to find, companies can sell them for much more. But with clarity-enhanced diamonds, virtually all types of diamonds can still have a brilliant appearance. Consumers may not care as much about the diamond’s purity, if the same effect can be achieved with a cheaper diamond.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that all-natural diamonds shouldn’t be sought out, because when they go through the clarity-enhancing process they look even more impressive. But if they don’t go through the enhancement, they may not be as shiny as those that did.

All in all, clarity-enhanced diamonds are a good choice for people looking for the media’s image of the perfect diamond. For everyone else, the only other option involves spending tens of thousands on a diamond that may still have cracks in it.

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